I am a white, upper class American man. I won the lucky sperm sweepstakes. I’ve done my share of hard work, but so have many others. I’m where I am by providence, a random twist of fate. I was also fortunate to grow up in the 70’s and 80’s in Berkeley, California in a racially mixed cultural environment due to public school integration.
[Read more…] about The Tragedy of George Floyd and the Path ForwardArchives for May 2020
Stories to Remake the Future
These are uncertain times. While I’m not a fatalist, I do believe that as humans we have the ability to make our own reality. This reality comes in the form of stories that we tell ourselves. We are social creatures and our stories are the basis of our personal reality and the fabric of our culture.
I think it is interesting to consider how storytelling influences our ability to make our own reality, or perhaps more accurately, create the life we want for ourselves. When we tell ourselves stories that veer too far from our current reality we experience a strong sense of cognitive dissonance. This dissonance expresses itself differently in every individual, but common reactions include discomfort and anger, which are really just proxies for fear.
[Read more…] about Stories to Remake the FutureThe Return to Normal
I’ve recently been hearing a lot of people pine for an earlier time. A time when we weren’t isolated in our homes, could go about our jobs in a comfortable fashion, and interact face-to-face with our family, friends, and colleagues. When I ask people what they really miss, what a return to ‘normal’ might look like, it really comes down to the personal connections. No one seems to miss the commute, the traffic, or the pollution. People miss hugging their friends and loved ones. They miss the freedom of exploring. They miss a carefree sense of abandon. In a sense many of us are nostalgic for a time gone by. A sepia toned memory of ease and safety.
[Read more…] about The Return to NormalThe Myth of Digital Transformation
The coronavirus crisis has forced unprecedented digitization of many previously manual processes. Over the past couple of months we have seen rapid adoption of new technologies as organizations move to remote working and learning, video conferencing, telehealth, virtual contact centers, and many other types of virtual services. The speed with which business processes have been remade is both remarkable and a testament to the power and flexibility of digital cloud technologies.
However, these transitions have not been without challenges. As is often the case, our ability to implement new technologies generally exceeds the speed with which we can create new processes, train employees, and implement appropriate governance procedures. Social and cultural changes almost always lag technical progress. It will be many months or years before the rapid digitization of many segments of our economy mature, so we should be prepared for a bumpy ride in the meantime.
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